Monday, October 1, 2018

Monday, October 1st

  • The students started the day in Dance with Mr. Nunez.
  • Math:
    • In math we launched Chapter 2 in GoMath.  Lesson 2.1 was on Multiplication Comparisons.  We made models to represent starting with factors to find an unknown, and then we had to work from a total to find the factor. 
    • Review Video for 2.1
    • After working through problems, we moved to group work and I met with students who had reteach practice from Unit 1 so they could retake the test.
  • ELA
    • Our focus today was Higher Level predicting.  Not just making an educated guess, but using the text and what you know to explain your guess with rational reasons.  We talked about the different aspects of forming predictions.  We practiced by reading Chapter 5 of Stone Fox and then making high level predictions.
  • CGI 
    • Today was our first "real" CGI problem of the year.  We had a difficult problem that had pieces missing.  Students had to figure out that they had to work backwards to get the answer.  Working backwards means you start at the bottom and reverse all the procedures to get back to the unknown at the beginning of the question.  Students struggled but after  showed them how to work backwards, they liked the problem.
  • Writing
    • The focus in writing today was writing leads to make readers want to read your writing.  We went over different types of leads.  I also showed them how to focus on the big aspects of a story when planning what to write.  I walked around the room and broke our book Stone Fox down into big pieces.  I passed out writing paper and told them tonight to pick a person experience or event to write their personal narrative about.   
      • I gave the following example of how to TOUCH on the big ideas
        • Our Trip to Six Flags
          1. Mom and Dad made us do a scavenger hunt to figure out the trip
          2. We packed for the trip (food, clothes, and games)
          3. The car trip to Six Flags
          4. The day at Six Flags (making decisions and having fun)
          5. The Trip home ( being so tired but so happy)
      • See, I focused on the parts of the story that were important.  I know this is not the entire story, but these are the parts I am going to develop and grow.  I am going to add the details and action.  This is just my outline.

  1. GoMath 2.1
  2. ELA Packet - Read Text, Answer First Page, Get Parent Signature
  3. Reading Log - 30 minutes of independent reading practicing predictions and comprehension
  4. Writing: decide on your personal story to tell and pick your BIG IDEAS to Touch on 

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