Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Field Trips and Other Events...

  • Thursday, February 11th we are doing a Valentine's Day Card Exchange and watching "A Charlie Brown Valentine's".  We will also have some light refreshments (Juice and Cookies) to celebrate FRIENDSHIP!  The class list is below.  You don't have to participate in the card exchange, but if you do, you have to include everyone.  Everyone will participate in the movie and refreshments.

  • Friday, February 12th we are going to the American Museum of Natural History.  We will be taking the school bus to the museum.  We will be looking at the NEW dinosaur display, watching the Wonders of the Solar System at the planetarium.  We are having lunch, and if time permits visiting the North American Indian exhibit.  Regular admission price is normally $16 dollars for admission and the show.  We are able to go at the reduced price of just $7 dollars because we are a Title III school.  This is a great deal and an amazing event that all children should get the opportunity to experience.  There are two different slips that went home.  One slip is informing you of the cost and asking for parental volunteers.  The other is the official permission slip that MUST be filled out in order to attend. For more information about the American Museum of Natural History, click this link!

  • Finally, on March 16th we will be going with Mr. Nunez to experience authentic Flamenco dancing in action.  All the students who have Dance in their program have been invited.  Please make sure and fill out and return that permission slip as soon as possible.

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