Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Baseline Assessment Day

Today was baseline assessment day.

After the students had breakfast, we switched for block sessions.  My group worked on ELA Baseline Assessment.  They had to read a very interesting article on the International Space Station.  They then had to answer 6 text dependent comprehension questions, and 6 text related vocabulary questions.

Finally, they had to answer a simple constructed response question.  They had to identify two ways that astronauts on the ISS had to recycle and explain why recycling in space is so important.  Most students got 1 out of 2 on this because they did identify what was recycled, but failed to explain why it was important. Others talked about recycling at their houses and also to keep space clean.

I passed out ReadyGen Journals, Text Collections, and our ReadyGen Text.  Students were given #'s so they could stay organized and I could collect papers in a quick and orderly fashion.  Students are responsible for the books with their # on it.

At 10:15 we switched and repeated the same activities for the second block session.

Today was not a good day.... The students didn't take the Baseline Assessment serious.  They talked.  They didn't put a lot of effort into the writing. I was not very happy with the results.

  • No Homework on Assessment Days
  • Blue Cards, Permission to Photograph, and Permission to Walk forms DUE!

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