School starts at 8:00AM!
School ends at 2:20PM!
Please make every effort to arrive before 8AM and to be here all day. Appointments should be made after 2:20 if possible. Remember, lunch is at 12:30. If you must remove your child from school, that is a good time to do it. Core classes are from 8:20-12:30.
- Literacy Block:
- Today was lesson 1A.18, the last lesson in Unit 1A. The focus today was comparing the events and themes of the three texts we have read this unit (Night of the Spadefoot Toads, Shells, and Hatchet). I modeled how to do the key events of each text, then groups worked on the last text and we shared out. Then I modeled how to do a theme graphic organizer for Hatchet, and the students did their own for Shells. We discussed our learning and talked about their Performance Based Assessment (PBA).
- First we went over the unit slides from day 1 and made sure we had covered everything we talked about before we started the unit. Then we went and talked about the PBA and read the task together. We broke down the task and talked about what was expected. We finished by looking at the rubric for the PBA and talking about homework.
- Homework
- Use the planning template to come up with the frame for their story. The character must be committed to helping the environment. We discussed this in great detail today so their should be no problems with the planning.