Monday, October 24, 2016


  • ReadyGen Lesson Unit 1A.14 
    • RL 5.9 - I can compare and contrast stories in the same genre and their approach to similar themes and topics.
    • W 5.3a - I can orient the reader by establishing a situation and introducing a narrator or characters; I can use sequence of events to arrange a story that unfolds naturally.
    • L 5.1 - I can demonstrate command of conventions.
  • The students worked in groups to review the book "Night of the Spadefoot Toad" and the short story "Shells" and then we discussed how the characters BEN and MICHAEL were alike and different. 
  • Next we reviewed how to compare and contrast by watching a Powerpoint and taking notes on the skill.
  • Finally, students worked individually to do a venn diagram comparing Ms. Tibbits and Aunt Esther from the two stories.
  • We did a quick "5 Minute Reading Comprehension" on Spider Crabs to work on speed and stamina and reading comprehension.
  • In writing we reviewed Sensory Details and discussed how to incoperate sensory details and precise descriptors into their writing.
  • The last part of class was used for independent reading.  Students are responsible for reading independently 45 minutes a day.  We did 15 minutes in class, which means they have 30 minutes to do at home and write in their RRJ.  
  1. Read independent reading book for 30-45 minutes and do response in RRJ
  2. Reading - Compare and Contrast Practice Sheet pg 68-69
  3. Writing - Add sensory and precise descriptors to the story you wrote last week.

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