Friday, February 10, 2017

Friday in Room 403

Today was an INTERESTING day to say the least!  Ms. Cruz was out today and because they didn't have enough subs, they were going to split her kids up.  They begged me to take them during the pledge and there was only about 18 total at that point.. so I said sure... I will take ya'll.   Well, I forgot whose kids I was looking at.  By 8:30 we had all but 4 of our classmates in the room.  That's right, 41 little people showed up today to learn, so learn we did.  

During the first block, Ms. Campos took her students so we dropped down to like 35 students.  Ms. Baez took a couple for Mock Make Up so we dropped down to like 33.  No worries!

We did lesson 2A.3 as you can see above.  The focus was on comparing and contrasting and using quotations as a jumping off point for writing paragraphs.  We read Chapter 2 about William and then did a lot of questioning and comparing.  Finally, we transitioned into writing and I showed examples where our author used quotes to shape a paragraph.  I then pulled out some material and did the same (modeled below) before students had to try it on their own.  They were allowed to pick any information from the text, "QUOTE IT" and then write a paragraph around it.

After writing was over, we used the elongated day to share our PBA Speeches.  We did some digital recording of the PBA's but the student doing the camera was a little shaky wither her hands.  I will have to see if we have any that are good enough to put on the page. 

We ended the day with quiet reading and taking AR tests.  I think we have just about reached our goals.  Before going to lunch I passed out homework and Progress Reports and Promotion in Doubt letters for some students.  ALL students got progress reports!

  1. Read 45 minutes, Log
  2. NewsELA - Bee's
  3. Vocabulary matching sheet
  4. Get Progress Report Signed

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