Thursday, February 16, 2017

Happy 100th Day of School

Happy 100th Day of School!!!

 Today was the 100th Day of school.  We started the day with a little warm up activity where students had to find 100 Hidden Pictures in a school classroom.  While they were doing their activity, I passed out 100th day of school pencils, a 100 day of school book mark, a 100th Day of School certificate, and since we didn't get a chance on Tuesday, I also passed out Valentine's Day Goodie Bags to both classes as well.

After the 100th day of school fun, we went right into ReadyGen and did lesson 2B.6.  The focus today was understanding the content, making connections to main idea and characters, and coming up with ideas for writing on a topic.  This text is really interesting because it has regular text which gives the "content" of the story, and then it has letters from characters to give it depth, emotion, and empathy.  It is a really great combination of information and emotion.

With 502, we also had time to decorate cupcakes since I promised them a treat for all their hard work and good behavior.   502 actually won one of the contests for the school.... we were the ONLY class to guess the SUM 100 by picking 25 and 75 from the hidden 100's board.  Way to go Grisel and Bladimir.  I think 502 will be getting a Popsicle treat after break for this win!

We actually had a really nice day of learning and community building.


  1. Finish 100 Day Hidden Picture
  2. Reading Comp/Vocab Sheet (501 Only)
  3. Read 45 minutes - Log (Tomorrow is last day for AR Contest!)
  4. LAST DAY for any permission slips 
    1. Mid Winter Break 3 Day Test Prep Academy
    2. Plymouth Church Trip (Underground Railroad, Lincoln Pew) 

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