Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Rock the Mock! Day 2

Today we had the second day of MOCK testing...

Students had 3 texts to read, but today they had to do short responses and one extended responses.

I hope this is a wake up call for March!   Writing is not hard!  It is a formula, just like math!  I hope you start listening better in ELA class now!

Our CookShop lesson today was on Grains.  We learned what whole grains were, We also learned about having 5-6 servings a day.  We looked at some "processed grains" as well.  Finally we explored different whole grains (Whole Wheat Bread, Whole Wheat Cracker, Whole Wheat Pita Bread, and finally Whole Wheat Tortilla).  We looked at taste, texture, smell.... and then I brought out the HUMMUS for them to dip them in and eat.  Good times!   I forgot to take pictures though....


  • Read 45 Minutes, Log  (2 weeks left for AR Contest)
  • Finish research.. tomorrow we PBA write!

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