Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Tuesday in Room 403

We started today by reviewing our text from yesterday and making sure we remembered the text before moving into test prep.  Once we were sure we not only remembered the text, but knew how to find thing quickly, we reviewed questions 4-7 to make sure we got the answers right, but understood why we got them right or wrong.  It is about reviewing, understanding, and discussing so that on the ELA test, we will be ready!

Next we collected homework and then moved into ReadyGen Lesson 2B.2.  The focus today was text structure and being able to work with chronological and cause and effect text structure.  We also reviewed that text features are completely different than text structure.  We actually took a few minutes to learn more about the five text structures we have used so far this year:  Chronological (based in time), Sequence order of importance (not time based), Cause and Effect, Problem and Solution, and finally Compare and Contrast.  We went over key words and how to spot them.  

Then we read Chapter 1 and practiced marking text as we read.  We did our comprehension activity and then moved onto writing review.

We really need to work on our paragraph formatting.  Each paragraph starts with a topic sentence or sentences.  The next 3-5 sentences are details, supporting details, and explanation of details.  The final sentence or sentences is a reworking of the topic sentence which we call the conclusion sentence.  Follow the formula!!!

We ended with talking about the next paragraph to write in our essay about slavery.  This paragraph was "how" to escape and use the underground railroad safely.  

  • Read 45 minutes, log - AR GOALS by Friday 2/17
  • Writing:  
    • Write an informative paragraph in which you explain the preparations an escaping slave would have to make before running away. Refer to the text for ideas.
  • DRC - The Korean War
  • Vocabulary - Where's My Fly Swatter?

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