Thursday, February 2, 2017

Prepping for PBA Awesomeness

I Can Statements

Today we focused on preparing for writing our PBA Speeches.   The focus today was reading independently, our class novel, and then modeling and co-writing so students could prepare for the drafts.

I modeled how to use the graphic organizer to prepare for your speech.  We went over the different types of hooks and practiced writing them.  We went over clearly stating your topic.  Finally, we had to work on clearly stating your opinion that you would support in your speech.

Then we went body paragraph by body paragraph creating topic sentences and adding support details and a concluding sentence that summed up the paragraph and rephrased the topic sentence.

After three body paragraphs, we moved to the concluding paragraph which a reworking of the introduction, only reversed.

After we modeled that, we then did a co-writing of an introduction and had everyone substitute their name and topic to see how easy the introduction was.

Classroom Exemplars 
First Body Paragraph

Second Body Paragraph

Third Body Paragraph


  1. Read 45 minutes (2 weeks left for AR Contest)
  2. Use your planning documents to write your draft
    1. We will be editing and revising tomorrow in class
    2. Final Draft will be turned in before going home!
    3. If you decide to stay home tomorrow, it is due when you come in Monday!

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