Monday, February 6, 2017

Monday Funday in Room 403

We started the day by doing ELA Test Prep.  We reread the Biography of Thomas Edison and I modeled how to read each paragraph, stop and check in for understanding, summarize, and keep reading.  Then we did three questions that the students worked on last week for the MOCK test.  I did the first one, modeling through think aloud my process for reading the question, going back to the text, finding the answer, and then finding the BEST response. The second question we worked on together, discussing our thinking, and the third they did alone and then explained.

Next we had a preview of Unit 2 Module B and discussed what the learning goals were for the unit, the vocabulary words, and finally the final product (the PBA).

Finally we moved into our new unit and text and started by pre-reading and examining the outside of the book.  Thew we close read the first few pages and did an activity working with Main Ideas and Supporting Details.  In writing we focused on telling information in complete paragraphs.

  1. A few people have not done their PBA
  2. Read for 45 minutes, log, summarize
  3. Fun with Verbs (pg 10)
  4. DRC - The Panama Canal 
  5. Writing:
    1. Write an introduction to an essay. Your essay will explain what was slavery, the Underground Railroad was, why it was important, and who was involved.  Tonight you just tell me about Slavery in paragraph 1, and what was the Underground railroad in paragraph 2.

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