Friday, February 3, 2017

PBA Friday

The focus today was peer editing and working on finalizing their PBA.  Students worked together to peer edit each others PBA's and then went on to finalize their PBA.  Many students finished today and were able to continue independent reading and take AR tests.  Others did not finished and we made a deal that they MUST be done by Monday.  Monday we start Unit 2B.  

Congratulations to this weeks HIGH POINT EARNERS for AR Points...
  1. Mya
  2. Sharlyn
  3. Kelsea
  4. Adriana 
  5. Maria
Keep it up!  We have just two weeks left to reach our goals for our AR contest!  You can do it!!!

  1. Read 45 minutes, log
  2. NEWSELA - Groundhog's Day
  3. Writing - Finish FINAL PBA to turn in on Monday!

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