Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Today and tomorrow students will be taking the MOCK ELA state test.  This helps us see what students KNOW and DON'T KNOW before the state test, and to see if we have enough rooms and proctors to match accommodations for students.

I had 501 for the first hour and we went over getting ready for PBA.  We read the task and talked about the rubric,  I then passed out two planning sheets to help them get their work done by Thursday.  We went over a hook, topic, and thesis.  We went over the components and students took notes to help them.  The only work they have to do tonight is research and prepare!

We tested from 9AM until almost noon.

502 will get the materials and talk tomorrow so they can start working on putting ideas down as well. Right now, finishing research and taking notes is the MOST important part.  Once you do that, you can group and write real easily.


  • Read 45 minutes and take AR tests (2 weeks left!)
  • Research using online links! 

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