Thursday, January 19, 2017

Thursday, January 19th

Today was a "thinking day" and the students were able to take what they learned in the last two texts we have studied and use the knowledge they have gained to do some higher level thinking about comparing and contrasting the theme of each novel and how they were alike and different.

We also did a class read-aloud about Muhammad Ali and his struggles with the same injustices that our original texts dealt with - equal rights and the struggle to get them.  The picture book was entertaining but also allowed us to see the struggles of another African-American trying to get their civil rights and be treated fairly like everyone else.

Finally in writing we reviewed what a 3 paragraph essay should contain... 
  1. Introduction with a hook and topic
  2. the body (all your thoughts and proof)
  3. Conclusion where you sum it up and prove your point
For homework they have the following writing task to do in their writers journal:

  1. Read 45 minutes, summarize and get log signed
  2. 3 paragraph writing prompt in writing journal (Share in class tomorrow)

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