Friday, January 20, 2017

Fun Friday - January 20th

I really like Fridays....  We use them to finish up things we are behind during the week, we do our independent reading and AR testing, we do our skills work to focus in on things we need to improve, and then we do social studies content.

It was a good day!

We started off with our Independent Reading.  Then we did our class read aloud for the day, still with the theme of injustice, civil rights, and segregation.   The book was called The Other Side about two girls on different side of fence who are not supposed to like each other because the fence separates the blacks from the whites.  Great story and kids earned more AR points.

We then did our skills work in groups before rereading portions of Chapter 3 and then taking a chapter test on European Explorers.  We reread it because with Winter Break and the last few weeks being so busy, we might have forgotten some of the content.  Students were allowed to use their books to finish the test.

We also practiced Longitude and Latitude and checked how good we were by then putting the coordinates in the computer and having the map ZOOM to the location.  If you haven't done it before, give it a try!

Congratulations to Angel in class 502 for reading enough books this week to collect over 7 AR points... and congrats to Jason in class 501 for reading some really challenging books that earned him... GET THIS... over 21 points in just just five days!  Way to go boys!  Keep it up!!! I hope you enjoyed your pizza lunch with me and Ms. Cruz today.

I also wanted to congratulate Mya, Gabriel, Ciomara, Kimberly, Lisanna, and, Emely for having either PERFECT or most improved FIZZLE of the week.  We had such a great time talking and eating lunch.  Congrats kids!!!!

  1. IR: Read 45 Minutes, fill out reading log
  2. Reading:  NewsELA article on Jim Crow Laws
  3. Writing:  Fix your three paragraph essay

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