Tuesday, January 3, 2017

January 3rd - 2017

Welcome back!!!

Today we started by thinking of three things we could start doing TODAY that would improve our lives.  I gave the example that I wanted to start working out so I can get back in shape, I wanted to try yoga to deal with my stress better, and I wanted to read more so I can stop watching so much tv.  I wanted students to think of easy ways they can improve their lives instantly.

After silent reading, we reviewed chapters 1 -4 of Heart and Soul and then read Chapter 5 - Reconstruction.  Today's focus was craft and structure so we focused on precise words the author used to get their point of view across.

I collected Literacy Vacation Packets (we are going over them Friday so you better hurry!).


  • Reading:  45 minutes, log summary, get signature (Need AR Tests!)
  • Writing:  Finish three things writing if you didn't
  • Language:  Adverbs That Compare
  • Comprehension: Changes for Women
  • Other:  Vacation Packets due by Friday
We are taking the STAR reading test tomorrow... Read, Read, Read....  Get to school on time!

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