Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Monday - McDougall OUT

I was out sick on Monday!

Students still had a busy day....

First they started with being read to from our class novel.  Then they  had their 20 minutes of independent reading so we can continue to grow as readers.  Next they worked on an article as a class called "Donald Trump is Sworn in as US President".  They read the article together and worked on the comprehension questions.  Finally, they had over an hour to finish their research for the PBA that we are writing in class on Thursday.  All research must be done by then.  I don't want to hear excuses, I have given multiple hours in class, I have put links on the blog, I have reminded you....


  • Reading 45 minutes, Log
  • DRC - The Lusitania (502)
  • Finish your research (BOTH)

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