Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Wacky Wednesday

We had such a crazy schedule today....

HOUR Blocks of  ELA and Math...

Awards Assembly.....



Music Class....

It was a busy day, but it was a good day!

We started the day reading a picture book called "TRAIN".  Then the students took an AR test on the read aloud. Afterward, they did their independent reading before I collected homework.  Our class activity was allowing them to select between two News Articles (one on air pollution, the other on child slavery).  Both classes picked childhood slavery (in India).  We read the article from the interactive whiteboard and then went over each question together so they could answer it.

We also went over conjunctions some more as we worked on combining sentences.

Then we had the awards assembly.

Finally we did CookShop where we talked about vegetables and getting our cup and 1/2 a day to stay healthy and strong.   We finished with groups working together to make a creamy kale salad with yogurt dressing.


  • Reading: IR for 45 minutes, log, sign
  • Reading Comp:  The Rise of the Common Man
  • Lang Arts:  Conjunctions ( fix the 8 sentences)

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