Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Problem Solving in Room 404

Dear Families,

This week we will conclude our Chapter on dividing decimals. Chapter tests and Performance Tasks will be administered Thursday and Friday.

COMING UP NEXT! Chapter 5 Our math class will study the operations of addition and subtraction with fractions. The students will study and learn to identify and apply common denominators.

You can expect to see homework that includes adding and subtracting mixed numbers. 


  • commondenominator Acommon multiple of two or more denominators
  • equivalent fractions Fractions that name the same amount or part
  • least common multiple The least number that is a common multiple of two or more numbers
  • least common denominator The least common multiple of two or more denominators

QUICK TIPHaving a ruler handy helps to quickly identify benchmarks to use when estimating fraction sums and differences

Please continue practicing multiplication and division facts.

Important Dates/Events:

  • Award Ceremony January 25th  TIME- TBD
  • Please make sure all work is being completed and turned in on time
  • Progress Reports and Promotion in Doubt letters will be going home soon!

Warmly-- Ms. D Cruz :-)

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