Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Wednesday, January 18th

Today we read from our class novel and then finished reading a picture book about a famous civil rights person Little Malcolm (Malcolm X).  After quizzing, we collected homework.  7 students out of 13 didn't do their homework in 502, and 5 students out of 25 didn't do their homework in 501.   This is unacceptable!  Parents, I need you to check the blog daily and check homework.

We reviewed lesson 12 and then did lesson 13.  We finished the story "A Clean Sweep" and looked at words and phrases the author used to add meaning.  We looked at choices in complete sentences vs the use of fragments and discussed why the author might have done that.  We finished by answering text dependent comprehension questions that required text evidence.

We had a shortened class today because today was COOKSHOP in the classroom.  The lesson today was adding on to the MYPLATE aspect and WHOLE is better than PROCESSED... .today we looked at the FRUIT section and talked about natural vs added sugar.  We also looked at food labels to make sure we could understand the need for looking at serving size and how much sugar was in a serving. We finished by cutting up and making one big class fruit salad and tasting it.  I think with almost everyone in agreement, fresh fruit salad is easy to make, taste great, and has whole fruits and natural sugar.  WIN! WIN!

  1. Read 45 minutes - LOG and get signature
  2. Reading Comprehension Sheet (4 questions)
  3. CookShop Lesson 2 home activities

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