Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Wednesday, January 4th

Talk about a fast moving day....

We had to shorten each class by 20 minutes so we could fit in a fun activity today called COOKSHOP!  I hope you got the information we sent home before break.  It had 3 questionnaires that if you fill out you can get money from the program.  $10 for the initial survey, $15 for the second, and $15 for the third.  Please make sure you look at the family programming that comes home today and earn some money while learning about eating healthy!

Today we had a "catch up" day along with an assessment day.  We started by writing thank you letters to Winter Wishes for the very nice gifts that Citicorp donated to the school... all 550 students received their wish and that is pretty amazing!  As you know, when someone does something nice for you, you thank them, and since we don't know them in person, we write thank you letters to show our appreciation.

Then we did our third STAR Reading assessment to see if we have progressed another two months.

After we did our thank you letters and STAR assessment, we did the writing and language activities for lesson 5 of unit 2.  Our focus was using evidence to support an opinion and our language focus was "what is a preposition?"  I told them a simple way to remember is to think "Anything a rabbit can do to a log".... It can jump {on, over, under, around, near, by, with, to, from, etc....}

The last thing we did was CookShop.  Today was reviewing the food groups and looking at the MY PLATE format.  We discussed WHOLE foods vs. minimally and highly processed foods.  We then used our senses to explore some different foods...  It was a fun learning activity and the students had a good time!

  1. Read for 45 minutes, log, get signature
  2. Writing opinion piece about slavery (Use text for evidence)
  3. Language:  Preposition Practice
  4. CookShop:  Draw your dinner plate and see if it fits the MYPLATE website
  5. Helen Keller Vision Screening Form - ONLY return if you refuse to be screened

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