Thursday, January 12, 2017

Thursday in Room 403

Today we finished reading our book about slavery and the struggle for civil rights called Heart and Soul.  The last chapter took us right up to Martin Luther King Jr.'s amazing speech in Washington D.C. - "I Have a Dream!".... I pulled the actual recording and the students got to listen to the end section which was so amazing!  In a couple weeks students will take their first stab at writing a speech for their 2A PBA.  

After listening to the speech, we worked together to summarize the book and read the epilogue.  We talked about the tone of the book toward the slaves and struggling blacks, toward women, and toward the masters and white men who tried to hold them back.  We talked about what type of voice was used and whose point of view we were hearing from the text.

Then we switched to writing and worked on taking prompts/questions, and turning them into statements.  We worked on prepositional phrases and making sure we knew how to spot them and use.  We ended by reviewing yesterdays expanded sentences.

Finally, we took the AR test for the book and had quiet reading time.  

  • Read 45 minutes, Log
  • Sentence Expansion practice (half sheet)
  • Lesson 2A.11 - Book Walk and favorite part review

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