Friday, January 13, 2017

Friday, January 13th

Today was a skill review day.

Students did their 20 minutes of independent reading before we broke into groups for our group work.  Some students worked on Using Words Precisely, some worked on Main Idea, while others worked on Inferences or Critical Thinking.  Whatever the data said they needed work on, that is the group they worked with.  

They read an article about being lost in the Wilderness with their small group.  Then the small group talked the questions that went with their category and discussed the answers.  It was our first time doing this focused learning group work and it went quite well.

Next we did some review and assessment of using sentences, making questions statements, and coming up with TS Topic Sentences and CS Closing Sentences when you have details and facts.  We had been doing this all week and today was the day to practice and assess.

We then moved into social studies and did a talk about Martin Luther King Jr.  Students watched a video about Martin Luther King Jr. Day and why we celebrate it.  Students were given homework where they had to read about Martin Luther King Jr and answer 4 comprehension questions as a quiz.

Enjoy your Monday off and see you back at school on Tuesday at 8AM!


  1. Read each day for 45 minutes
  2. Martin Luther King JR NewsELA article and questions.

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