Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Tuesday - January 17th

 Today we started reading "Clean Sweep" in our text collection.  Our focus was to compare and contrast the two best friends in the story "Cornelius and Otis" and how they are reacting to one of their mother's secret plans to run for Mayor after women got the right to vote.  To make matters worse, the boy's dad is already the Mayor and has different ideas on how the town of Umatilla, Oregon should be run.  We read the first half from pages 66-74 today and will finish the rest tomorrow.

Next we started talking about what makes a good opinion speech.  We went over all the parts of a speech and how to make it interesting.  Students took notes as we discussed the slides from my presentation.  Students will begin researching and thinking about a topic they feel strongly about that is a SOCIAL issue they are faced with.  I love speeches so this should be real good.  Ms. Mendoza said she would share some speeches her kids wrote from last year so they can see what they look like and we could use the document camera to discuss, add, or change what we think is missing or needs work.

Finally, we collected the homework on Martin Luther King Jr, and then passed out the homework from the Sleuth Magazine.   Students need to CLOSELY read the article on The Price of Freedom and then either answer the questions on paper, or use page 83 of their readers response journal to respond in depth and with much thought.


  • Reading:  Read for 45 minutes (We still need almost 200 AR points in 5 weeks!)
  • Reading:  The Price of Freedom (pg 82/83 in RRJ)

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