Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Rain Rain Go Away....

Lots of rain and wind today.  When the weather is yucky the students always want to talk and not do work.  NOT TODAY!  I broke my toe yesterday so I was not having the talking today.  I guess PAIN is a good motivator for work!

We finished reading about Cesar Chavez today - pages 86-98 and did a lot of work with cause and effect.  Students also had to go back to the text to find evidence to answer comprehension questions.  Finally, we brainstormed issues that we were interested in doing our speeches on and students were given a ballot to take home and pick their top 3.  I will take the top 4 vote-getters, collect articles on those topics, and allow students time in class to do research before writing our Unit 2 A PBA - Speech on a Social Issue. 

Oh, I almost forgot.  We started the day with another short story called "Words Set Me Free".  This is the story of a young Frederick Douglass.  After reading, students took an AR test on the book.  We are getting down to the last 3 weeks and some students have not met their goals.  You can ask your child to sign into their AR accounts (link is on the blog on the right) and look at their bookshelf and their goals.  

I ended the day with putting a ton of papers in the online gradebook, having students file their work in their work folders.  We ended the day by calling many parents to discuss concerns we are having with students.  

  1. IR Reading:  45 minutes and summary log 
  2. Reading Comp
  3. Topic Voting

Tomorrow is our awards ceremony at 10:45.  I have already told the parents, I only give our awards to students who earn them.  Not all students will get awards tomorrow.  If you do get an award tomorrow it is because you worked hard and earned it.  Everyone else, start working hard now so you too can get an award at the next ceremony!

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