Friday, March 18, 2016

Teacher Down!

Ms. Avalos was not feeling well today so she stayed home to rest and recuperate.

  • 1st - Science
  • 2nd - Awards Ceremony
  • 3rd/4th - Literacy Block
    • We started by watching the story "Private I.Guana" on Storyline Online.  Then we did our Test Prep lesson.  Then we finished ReadyGen lesson 3A.3.  With doing all the test prep and finishing PBA's, we were a little behind with the writing sections of ReadyGen, so Friday was a catch8-up day.  Some students finished their PBA, some worked on their writing assignments, some took AR tests, some had quiet reading time.  But in the end, we finished all our PBA's and we caught up on the writing assignments and Test Prep.
  • 5th - Lunch/Recess
  • 6th/7th - Math Block
    • After going over all the Test Prep, we moved into groups and worked on reviewing before the Chapter Review.  We went over homework and then we broke into groups.  At each table, 10 students worked with an adult on the three skills they were having the most trouble with.  They worked on putting fractions in order, comparing fractions with models, and comparing fractions without models.  After 20 minutes, the groups switched so students got to go to each group for practice.

  • Study Spelling Test (Monday)
  • Math - Chapter 9 Review Test pp 551-556 (Test Monday)

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