Monday, March 21, 2016

Monday's Rundown

  • 1st / 2nd / 3rd  - Math Block
    • During breakfast, we watched a "storyline online" story called "The Day I Followed My Dog".  After breakfast was over, Luis took the test on the smartboad and we all answered the questions together.   Then we passed around the ipads and students took the test on their own.  We are so close to reaching our goal before Wednesday's Deadline.  We are up to 82.8% and we have to have 85% to reach our goal.  We have the points, we just have to increase our percent - that means we have to get 100% on all our AR tests!!!
    • After Test Prep, we reviewed the homework for Chapter 9.  The homework was the Chapter 9 Chapter Review Test.  We went over every single question - paused for questions - and then moved on.  No one had any questions.  Afterward we passed out the Chapter 9 Multiple Choice Test.  Students had 45-60 minutes to complete the 20 problems.   
    • After the Chapter 9 Multiple Choice Test was completed and picked up, we passed out the Chapter 9 PBA for students to work on.  They had 4 word problems that had multiple steps involving fractions to work on.  They were also given 45-60 minutes to complete this task.  If they finished early, they were allowed to read a book.
  • 4th - Literacy Block
    • After doing the Literacy Test Prep about "The Sun", we moved into ReadyGen Lesson 3A.4.  The focus was looking for parts of the story you missed before, understanding sequence of events, and looking at characters and character traits. We re-read the text "Knots on a Counting Rope" again as a group and then answered the review questions.  Then I modeled using a graphic organizer to discuss traits.  We looked at "traits", "actions", "motivations", and "feelings" in terms of the grandfather.  The students re-read pages 16-19 to find information to fill in their graphic organizer.   We will finish with the writing section tomorrow.  We will also be taking our next STAR READING test tomorrow.   Students have been told that if they don't show two months progress, they would be invited to "READ" during recess until their reading goes up.  The ONLY way to get better at reading is to read books in your zone and to discuss them and work with them.  If your child isn't improving in reading, they are not reading books in their zone for 45-60 minutes each day.  EACH DAY... Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.   If they don't read, they wont improve.  It is that simple!
  • 5th - Lunch (No Recess - Too Much Talking!)
  • 6th - Dance - Mr. Nunez
  • 7th - Wrap Up
    • Spelling Test 
    • Copy Down Homework
    • StoryLine Online "When Pigasso Met Mootisse"  
    • Class Novel "The Chocolate Touch

  • Math 
    • Chapter 10 "Show What You Know" pp. 559-560
    • Chapter 10 Vocabulary - Look them over pp. 561-564
    • Fractions on a Number Line Quiz (In Mailbox)
  • Literacy 
    • Missed Spelling Words 10X Each
    • ReadyGen Reading Check Lesson 3A.4
    • Read 45-60 Minutes - Reading Log
  • Spelling
    • Short Week - No Spelling

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