Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Field Trip - New York City Center

  • 1st - Pre-Trip
    • We started the day with the normal - we had breakfast in the classroom.   After breakfast, while Ms. Avalos read (finished) our class novel "The Cricket in Times Square", I sent students to the restroom in small groups to get ready for the trip.  After that, we started taking our AR test on the class novel.  We had about 25 minutes before we left, so we let the children watch/listen to Storyworks online to the story "Thank You Mr. Falker".   At around 9:25 we headed to the lunchroom to meet Mr. Nunez for the fieldtrip.
    • Three third grade classrooms, one fourth grade classroom, and one fifth grade classroom were invited to go to the New York City Center to watch authentic Flamenco Dancers in action.  We left around 9:45, arrived around 10:45, and the show started around 11AM.  The program included one female Flamenco Dancer, two assistant male dancers, one of which was also a singer, and one male guitar player.  For the next hour, the four of them amazed us with their artistry.  The star of the show was definitely the female dancer.  She was in a word - AMAZING!  A little after noon we headed down from the balcony back to bus 21444.  Since we were down on west 56th street, we asked the bus driver if he could get as close to Times Square as possible since we had just finished "The Cricket in Times Square".  We told him it would mean the world to the kids.   The route he took us was just two blocks short of actual TIMES SQUARE, but close enough for the kids to see the big signs, the colors, the craziness that is Times Square.   They loved it!  We got back to school just before 1PM.  We went upstairs and had our lunch in the room.  Afterward, we went outside for a 20 minute recess which they really needed after being in the bus for an hour getting there, sitting quietly for an hour at the performance, and then another hour in the bus coming back. 
    • We ended the day by collecting "The Cricket in Times Square" and passing out our next class novel "The Chocolate Touch".  While we started reading (we got up to page 30), students took tons taking the AR Test for "Thank You Mr. Falker".  
    • We ended the day talkin about how they behaved on the trip, what we liked and didn't like, and what they needed to better next time. Then we passed out the homework from Mr. Nunez that went along with the Field Trip.  We then packed up and went to dismissal.
  • Field Trip Qestionairre (both sides)
  • Reading Log 
    • Read a book you can read in ONE NIGHT
    • Get 100% on the test to get our class percent pass rate up before 3/25

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