Thursday, March 17, 2016

Thursday in Room 304

  • 1st/2nd - Literacy Block
    • During breakfast we put "I Need My Monster" on Storyline online on the smartboard and the students listened to a story as they ate.  Afterward, they tested on the book on AR.  We reviewed our Test Prep from the other day and then read the new article about MARS!   After reading, we noticed that the question was almost exactly what we just did on the compare contrast PBA for 2B.  The students had to come up with 2 ways that Mars was different from Earth.  Talk about easy!  We went over the RACE format and modeled doing it together.  Tonight for homework they have to circle information about the questions scientist have about mars and underline information about technology scientist are using to study mars for the written response tomorrow.  We are breaking it into two days to space it out.  
    • ReadyGen Lesson 3A.3 was the focus today.   Our focus was that we could distinguish point of view between characters and even our own if different.  We also looked at literal vs nonliteral phrases in the text, as well as metaphor usage. Students worked on completing a three column chart showing they could identify these nonliteral phrases and understand what the figure of speech really means.  
  • 3rd/4th - Math Block
    • After going over the Test Prep from the past two days, we did number talks and the problem of the day.  Then we moved to Professor Burger with the On Demand video of the day.  Rebekah Rabbit walked us through the Interactive Lesson of the day.    
    • We did GoMath Lesson 9.7 and the focus was Using Models to Understand Equivalent Fractions.  We did the mini-lesson and then broke into four groups.  Three groups worked with teachers and one group worked together as a team.  
  • 5th - Lunch/Recess
  • 6th - P.E. With Mr. Hoffman
  • 7th - Wrap Up - Class Novel "The Chocolate Touch"
  • Math 
    • GoMath 9.7 practice homework pp549-550
    • Equivalent Fractions Worksheet
    • Test Prep 3/17/16
  • Literach
    • Test Prep (Circle and Underline from article)
    • Knot on the Counting Rope (Reading Comprehension)
    • Spelling Handout (TEST TOMORROW)

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