Friday, March 4, 2016

Day After Conferences

For those parents who could make it to their scheduled appointments, it was a pleasure discussing your child's progress and future goals.  For those who couldn't make it, please let us know which Tuesday from 2:35- 3:15 we can meet.  Four lucky students won the "CLEAN DESK" award today and were invited to visit the Goody Box and the Pencil Box for treats!  Congrats to Marlena, Melody, Leudy, and Christopher.

  • 1st - Science
  • 2nd/3rd - Math Block
    • We worked on the Chapter 8 Performance Tasks today.  We read the questions to the students, but as the state exams approach, we didn't break the questions apart.  We wanted to the students to productively struggle to come up with the correct answers and processes.  When students finished, they either started their research on their own planet, or worked on their Chapter 8 Test they missed yesterday.
  • 4th - Literacy
    • Students worked either independently or with a buddy to read websites on a planet of their choice and take notes about their planet.  They not only did a good job reading and taking notes, but they were very excited to find out new facts and details about the planets in the solar system.  If they want to do more research, the pages they should use are listed in a post a couple days ago.
  • 5th - Lunch
  • 6th - Literacy
    • We had our spelling test to start the period.  Then we took our notes from Earth and the paragraphs they were "supposed" to have written 2 days ago to do some editing.  It turns out that about half of them had either "lost" it or didn't do it.  So we PRACTICED again how to write a paragraph using the notes we took so they make sense and flow.  Then students paired up to edit the work they had done, while others started writing their Earth paragraph.  Again, all the notes were done in class and given to them two days ago.  They just had to write the paragraph.   Tonight, they have to do the same process using their research from today on their own planet.  This is part of their PBA so they HAVE TO do this! 
  • 7th - Wrap Up - Class Novel
    • We finished up the things we were working on and then read from our class novel, "The Cricket in Times Square."

  • Math
    • 1/2 sheet "TAKE HOME QUIZ" on Fractions
    • Test Prep Questions
  • Literacy
    • Writing Page "Paragraph About Your Planet"
    • Test Prep Questions "Dear Daily News"
  • Science
    • Using a Temperature Table 

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