Thursday, March 3, 2016

Where is Everyone?

Hey Parents!

I just wanted to remind you that just because there is a half day, it doesn't mean your children should stay home.  We had a review for Chapter 8 Math Test test, and then we took the Math Test today.  We had about 1/3 of our class not show up today.  This means they will have to take the math test without having  a review.  Please make sure your children are at school each day.  That is the only way they will progress and get better.

The ONLY homework they have today is:

  1. Come to Parent/Teacher Conferences with your Parent to discuss their progress
  2. Read a book to take an AR Quiz tomorrow.

  • 1st/2nd - Math Block
    • Today we had our breakfast as usual.  Then we did our Test Prep.  We went over last night's homework and over today's problems (which actually went along with our unit).  After discussing and modeling, students did one problem on their own.  They have 2 problems in their math packet for homework.
    • Then we went over the Chapter 8 Review.  The questions are almost exactly the same on the math review as on the Chapter Unit Test.  We went over it question by question, explaining how to solve, and asking if anyone had any questions.
    • Then students started working on their Chapter 8 Unit Test.
  • 3rd/4th - Lunch/Test/Independent Reading
    • Some students finished before others.  They quietly got a book and read while others finished, We had a shortened 30 minute lunch from 10:30 - 11:00.   We returned and the last people finished their test while the rest read books and took AR quizzes.  
  • Test Prep (Math)
  • Read and Finish AR Book for testing
  • Come to Parent Teacher Conference with Parent
  • Study for Spelling Test
  • Complete Earth Paragraph

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