Thursday, March 10, 2016

Thursday's Rundown

  • 1st - 3rd - Literacy
    • Today was a literacy packed day.  We started with breakfast and going over our Word Work Word Ladder.  Then we went over last night's test prep and covered today's new article and writing prompt.  Students have a lengthy response to write tonight for Test Prep.
    • We did a mini-lesson today on how to "edit" spelling on PowerPoint.  We also went over how to download pictures and place them in your project.  The remaining periods were used for students to type and edit their PowerPoints.  About half the students have turned them in and I will edit them tonight.  The rest will have tomorrow to finish while the others present their finished products to the class.
  • 4th - Math
    • Today we started with Test Prep checking the three problems from last night.  Then we did our model problem and practice problem.  They have two problems to do tonight.  Afterward, we did a quick review of GoMath 9.3 and then moved into 9.4.  The focus was comparing fractions using models.
    • We watched our On Demand Math Video that explained the topic.  Then we did the interactive lesson to unlock the two problems.  Afterward, we broke into working groups and worked on the independent practice.  Students were slowly starting to get the concepts as we went over the problems for review.
  • 5th - Lunch /Recess
    • A few students didn't get recess because they didn't do their work in class today. Hopefully tomorrow they will focus and do better since we have Fun Friday which means an extended recess.
  • 6th - P.E with Mr. Hoffman
  • 7th - Wrap Up - Class Novel "The Cricket in Times Square"
  • Math 
    • GoMath 9.4 Practice/Homework pp 531-532
    • Test Prep - 2 questions
  • Literacy
    • Study for Spelling Test
    • Reading Log

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