Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Readathon Tuesday

We have until Wednesday at 2:35 to become a STAR READER classroom.  If we meet all the criteria, our classroom gets $1000 to spend on prizes or books.  We worked REALLY hard today to get there... ALMOST THERE!

  • 1st/2nd - Literacy Block
    • We started the day with breakfast and watched a couple stories on Storyline Online.  Afterward the students took the quiz as a class and then we moved to Test Prep.  We checked last night's homework and then read the poem for today's text.   We looked at the poem closely and answered our 3 questions.  There are 3 questions to do for homework.
    • We finished ReadyGen Lesson 3B.4's writing section.  Our focus was writing an interesting hook and topic sentence for our opinion paper.  We went over the mini-lesson, did some model writing, and then students wrote their own hook/topic intro.  Then they moved to a partner and shared their work and improved if they needed to.  We were lucky enough to have our principal, Mr. Hernandez, stop by and watch and take part in the lesson.  I love when the administration stops by and checks out the learning going on in our classroom.
  • 3rd - STAR Reading
    • We had our 5th STAR Reading test today.  Most of the class showed improvement, but a few students went down.  This is a clear sign that they are not reading at home parents.  THEY MUST READ EACH NIGHT for 45 - 60 Minutes.  Turn off the TVs.... Turn off the Gaming Systems....  Open up good books and have family reading time.  THE ONLY WAY TO GET BETTER AT READING IS TO READ!!!!
    • Some students took longer than others to finish their STAR test.  Others read books and and took AR tests.  We had to get our class average up to 85%, so it meant a lot of testing.  
  • 5th - Lunch / Recess
  • 6th - Science
  • 7th - More Reading / AR Testing
    • I found out after school that not only does the class need to have 85% correct rate, but all students do as well.  That means tomorrow there are 11 students who need to pull their percents up.  That means reading 3-4 books and getting 100% on their quizzes.  TOMORROW is our last shot to do it!  Be ready!!!
  • Since we moved our Correct Class Percent up from 78% up to 85.1%, we decided to give the students a homework break.... except....
  • Independent Reading 45 - 60 Minutes so you can take AR test tomorrow

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