Tuesday, March 8, 2016

All About Tuesday

  • 1st / 2nd - Literacy Block
    • After breakfast, the students did their word work WORD LADDER.  After working out our vocabulary and word manipulation skills, we made it to the top of the ladder and climbed over to Test Prep Review.  We checked our homework and then did our two "together problems" as a class.  For homework they have problems 36 and 37 in their ELA Test Prep.  We then read an article together entitled, "The Right Dog". After reading, I read the questions and students answered them independently.
    • Our writing focus was to review how to write an interesting introductory paragraph with a hook, a topic, and a focus of writing.  We then also modeled writing a conclusion that did the same job as the introduction but also left the reading with what you wanted them to remember from your work.  After modeling, students went to independently writing and working on filling out their 5 paragraph graphic organizer for their compare / contrast PowerPoint.  Tomorrow is the only day they will have to work on the computers so all their writing MUST be done today and TONIGHT for homework.
  • 3rd/4th - Math Block
    • We started class by going over last night's test prep questions.  Many of the students didn't do their 3 test prep problems.  They will be sitting out of recess thinking about them!  Then we did today's Test Prep focus question together.. and then they tried one on their own.  They have 2 practice problems tonight for homework.  
    • Our math today was GoMath 9.2 which was comparing fractions with the same denominator.  If the denominator is the same, you simply analyze the numerator to see which fraction is greater or smaller. We worked in groups to complete the independent work.  Then we came back as a whole to check their understanding.  
  • 5th - Lunch
  • 6th - Science
  • 7th - Wrap Up - Class Novel
    • Copied down homework and then read chapter 8 in the Cricket in Times Square.
  • Math - 
    • GoMath 9.2 Homework (517-518)
    • Test Prep 3/8/16
  • Literacy
    • 5 Paragraph Essay Template MUST be complete
    • Reading Log
    • Spelling Practice
  • Field Trip Tomorrow
    • Must Wear Uniform
    • Must Have Permission Slip!!!

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