Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Wednesday Round Up

Today we attacked our I can statements in new and different ways.  Today for our first I can statement, we did either buddy reading or table reading where small groups read the text together, answered questions for each other about mispronounced words, and words they didn't understand.  This will allow them to become stronger readers on their own.  The next chapter we read together with students practicing choral reading when I gave them the que to read.

We answered the questions from the two chapters and discussed how the author used different craft techniques like asking repetitive questions to get them to highlight an understanding about the subject, in this case the inventions of black people.  Finally we moved to writing and practiced doing extended sentences and using conjunctions.

501's Extended Sentences

502's Extended Sentences

  • Read for 45 minutes, log summaries
  • 501 - Preposition Homework
  • 502 - Class Work Lesson 2A.10

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The real-life story of Ivan the gorilla