Friday, January 27, 2017

Friday in ELA

Today we compared all three texts we have been working with in this unit: "Heart and Soul", "Operation Clean Sweep", and "Cesar Chavez".  After comparing how each text was presented (Chronological order for each, one about the civil rights movement, one about women's rights to vote, and one about a person's life).  Students worked on their classwork assignment about looking at the similarities and differences in the styles of writing in each text (Lesson 2A.18).

Students then moved to groups to work on researching their topics for the PBA Speech.  I have included links to webpages so students can do more research at home and over the weekend.   Monday is the last day they get time in class to gather information.  Monday I show them how to write their speech using a template, and Tuesday they write, edit, revise, and publish.  

  1. Read 45 minutes, log and get signature
  2. Research for PBA (See Below)
  3. Reading Comprehension - Activist and Labor Organizer: Cesar Chavez (SS GRADE)

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