Thursday, June 1, 2017

  • After breakfast and 20 minutes of DEAR, we read chapters 15 and 16 from George's Cosmic Treasure Hunt!  I can't believe we have just one more chapter to go!  Remember students, you are being asked to read at home to improve your reading ability.  I need a book tested on AR before you can go on the next trip!  
  • Today was MARS! Day in our book.   We watched a short video about Mars and then read the pages in our text about the red planet.  Next students worked on their class assignment using main ideas and details with the context of Mars.  When done, they worked with their partner to continue researching their planet for an upcoming PowerPoint project!
  • DEAR for 30-45 minutes (NEED AN AR TEST THIS WEEK!)
  • STAR READING test is tomorrow!

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The real-life story of Ivan the gorilla