Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Tuesday, September 18th

  • The students started the day with Ms. Young in Music.
  • Ms. Sestak, the Librarian, has arranged for us to come up to the library for 15/20 minutes on Tuesday after Music so they can return and check out books.  We don't have library on our schedule, so we are very appreciative that she fit us in her open period.  THANK YOU!
  • Our reading lesson today was TC 3.4 and it focused on how do we monitor our reading progress.  We talked about different ways like checking our reading log, taking AR tests, talking to our friends about our books, keeping track of books we made higher than an 85% on AR.  We even looked at reading logs to see if we can see patterns like when we read, where we read, how much... I met with 1/3 of the class to check their reading logs and to listen to them read to make sure they had "just right"books.  

  • Math we reviewed our homework.  We went step by step on comparing numbers.  Look and see if they have the same number of digits... if one has more digits, it is bigger.  IF they have the same number of digits, then you start with the highest place value (numbers on left) and you compare one place value at a time until you find a difference.   Then you can decide which number is < or >,  If all the numbers are the same then they are =.

  • Then we did today's lesson - GoMath 1.4 which was rounding numbers up to 100,000.   We spent a great amount of time going over the steps and even played a game.  I put different 6 digit numbers on the board and teams used their dry erase boards to try and round to the place value I underlined.  It took a lot of practice, but I can see they are starting to get it.  If you need a refresher, he is a great video to watch to help:  https://www.khanacademy.org/

  • We ended the day with reading Dear Mr. Henshaw pages 39- 48.  Then we did lesson TCW 4.3 with a focus on picking a character to write about and writing down information about them.  They had reminders of what kinds of things to write about their character to get them started.
  1. ELA Packet
    1. Read text for 2nd time, answer page 2 questions (will be checked in class)
  2. Math:
    1. GoMath pages 27-28 to practice rounding
  3. Reading:
    1. Read for 30 minutes, log your reading, and doing first RRJ (will be checked Thursday)

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