Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Wednesday, September 26

  • Math
    • After checking homework, we moved into the last lesson in the GOMath for chapter 1.  The focus on Lesson 1.8 was working addition and subtraction math problems with large numbers.  Thursday is review and Friday is the unit test and performance task.  If you have time to review, go to the following link: Chapter 1 Review on Khan Academy  Homework is the 1.8 homework page.
  • ELA
    • Our focus today was reading closely to see how authors "paint pictures" or "give you facts" when they write.  When they paint a picture, you actually create a movie in your head of what is happening. We read chapter 2 of Stone Fox and stopped to say... "This did created a picture, or was the author just trying to move the story forward by giving you information.  After finishing chapter 2, students went to their independent books to read.  They were asked to find a "movie" in their book and a place where the author just shared information to move the story.  Tonight for homework they have to read their IR books and find 2-3 places where the author creates a movie and to sketch what the movie looked like on post it notes.
  • Writing
    • Today's focus was learning to "show" the picture, not "TELL" when writing.  We read more of  Dear Mr. Henshaw and pointed out places where the author did a great job SHOWING what was happening.  

Great Example of SHOWING
  • Social Studies:
    • Continuing our introduction to our unit on Geography with a focus on New York City and New York, we took a look at what makes the city great and then three different vacation spots in New York.  The students were put into groups of three and given three different cards to study.  We ran out of time, but tomorrow they will compare these cards to New York City to see what they have in common and how different they are to highlight that New York State is a diverse place in terms of both land and people.
  • Math 
    • Lesson 1.8 GoMath Homework
  • ELA Packet
    • ReRead page 12
    • Answer thinking questions page 15
    • First Read article for Tomorrow's homework
  • Reading Log
    • Read for 30 - 40 minutes with a focus of looking for "MOVIES" in your text.  Use Sticky notes to sketch 2-3 different movies you see in your reading.  Remember to do comprehension sticky notes at the end of each chapter.  Many students have still not taken a AR test in September.  I will be sending home letters on Friday for students who are not reading and taking AR tests.  One of our classmates has already read and passed five books.  

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