Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday - September 11th

Wow, Our first week together was a short one, but definitely a good one. I am starting to know everyone's name, so that is good!  I am still working on the correct way to say them, but at least I know!  

I wanted to let you know that Mr. Hoffman, the Gym Teacher, gave our students a great report on Thursday afternoon and said if they behave like this all year, they are going to get to do so much in GYM!  That is exciting!
  • The students started the day with Ms. Galan, the science teacher. They went over policies and procedures for the science classroom.
  • 2nd/3rd periods periods we had math.  The students worked on their STAR math test and then worked on number line/100 square activity.
  • 4th period - Reading "Dear Mr. Henshaw" and working on questioning/answering the correct way for third grade.
  • 5th - Lunch
  • 6th - We finished our reading and then the students worked on the STAR Reading Test.  These test are very important because it gives us an understanding of the skills each child has so we can group them for specific, targeted instruction.  The kids had time to read independently and together as they finished their Online Testing.
  • 7th - We passed out books!  We passed out their Class novel, "Dear Mr. Henshaw", their ReadyGen 3rd grade materials and their 3rd grade Go Math book 1.  Why did we pass out books?  Because on Wednesday we start regular instruction!  (Social Studies and Science books are coming, we are just missing a few and didn't want to pass them out until we have complete class sets!
Parents, each child has a book bag and a chapter book to read.  Please make sure you are reading with them nightly and that they are practicing their math facts.   Addition and Subtraction facts right now!  We will be starting place value and number sense next week!

Have a great long weekend and we will see you on Wednesday, September 16th!

DON'T FORGET - OPEN SCHOOL NIGHT is Friday, September 18th!

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