Thursday, September 10, 2015

Welcome to Our Class

Day 2 : What a hectic schedule we already have.  I am going to start with just our schedule so you can understand how important it is that students are here each day, on time!

Third grade is the first year your child will be taking State Tests.  It is so important for them to be here. 

Some simple things we need you to do at home to help are:
  1. Make sure your child is reading at home 30-45 minutes.  That can be independent reading, being read to, reading with an adult... They just need to be reading each and every day.  The better their vocabulary and word attack skills become, the more they will comprehend and be able to work with complex texts.
  2. Ask them about what they have read.  Make them talk about it.  Make your child explain the characters, the setting, the action of the story.  Make your child write about it.  Make sure they are doing the work to become better readers!
  3. Flashcards!!!  We notice that some students know their basic number facts, but others are still learning.  That is ok, but statistically, students who know their facts find math less difficult.  Pick up some addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division fact cards and practice them with your child.
  4. Check students work,  but don't correct it.  Help them find the right answer, but PLEASE, don't do their homework for them.. you can help, but don't DO it!
  5. Check the blog and make sure that your child is doing their homework.

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