Tuesday, October 17, 2017

PBA Week

Hello Students and Parents:

We are wrapping up Unit 1B this week.  That means it is time to show what you have learned while we did the lessons, discussions, readings.... Show What You Know Week!  Yesterday we unpacked what the PBA (Performance Based Assessment) would be.

We talked about different things that would show a commitment to the environment.  For example, they wanted to build a factory that produces smoke in your neighborhood and you formed a group to stop it; they wanted to tear down the trees in the park to make room for a new building and you went to the city planners to ask why; a group of kids are polluting the playground and you formed a group to clean it up.... these are all examples of a character who demonstrates a commitment to the environment.

Students were asked to think about their characters and start coming up with ways to describe them that showed them, instead of just told about them.  They were also asked to think about Where the story would take place and start coming up with vivid descriptions of the setting as well.  Finally, I wanted them to think of the problem they wanted to solve that involves a commitment to the environment.  All of this falls under the umbrella of the "BEGINNING" of the narrative.

  • Monday:  Unpack, Brainstorm Ideas, Pre-write
  • Tuesday: Model Beginning, Draft
  • Wednesday: Model Middle, Revise/Draft
  • Thursday: Edit/Final Draft/Publish
  • Friday: Skill Review Friday (Weekly Reader) - End of Unit 1 Test (Multiple Choice and Short Response)

Nightly Homework:
  1. Homework packet #6 
    1. Monday: Read article, do first page of questions
    2. Tuesday: Reread article, do second page of questions
    3. Wednesday: Reread article, do last page of questions
    4. Thursday:  Read NEW Article, do multiple choice questions and short response writing
    5. Friday: Turn it in for weekly grade
  2. Independent Reading / Reading Response Journals
    1. Read for 30-45 minutes each night 
    2. Do a reading response entry (1/2 page summary, 1/2 page reflection on reading)
    3. RRJ counts toward grade
      1. Numbers 1-5 picked up on Mondays
      2. Numbers 6-10 picked up on Tuesdays
      3. Numbers 11-15 picked up on Wednesdays
      4. Numbers 16-20 picked up on Thursdays
      5. Numbers 20-25 picked up on Fridays


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