Friday, January 12, 2018

Next Week in ELA

We are winding down our study of Unit 4A in ELA.  This is what the upcoming week looks like, so make sure you are ready to work!!!

  • Monday:
    • Off to Celebrate Martin Luther King JR Day
  • Tuesday:
    • Lesson 4A.18 (Last instructional lesson of Unit 4A) - Discuss PBA
  • Wednesday:
    • Pass out PBA Planning Sheets, PBA Writing Paper, and Task and Rubric forms. 
    • Go over the forms and make sure students understand task and expectations.
    • Model planning/writing using one of the explorers discussed during our study.
    • Students will work on drafting their PBA
  • Thursday:  
    • Students share draft with peer for revising and editing
    • Students finalize PBA
  • Friday
    • End of Unit STAR Reading Level Test
    • End of Unit Comprehension Skill Test
    • Time For Kids (if time permits)
As you can see - the week will be very busy!  Please make sure your children are at school and ready to work all week!  

As usual, they will have nightly homework:
  1. Read nightly and do their RRJ's (Summary of reading, reflection on what they read)
  2. Homework Packet due last day of week!

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