Saturday, January 20, 2018

This Week in ELA

  • Monday
    • Launching a new unit.  Preview what to expect with Unit 4B.   Look at the new texts that were passed out on Friday.  Then move right into Lesson 4B.1 with a focus on Main Idea.  We will also pass out the homework packet for the week and anyone who didn't turn in PBA's, Take Unit Test, or STAR Reading Test will make it.  We will end the day by looking at portfolios and picking out 2 pieces of student work they are proud of in case they are picked to take part in the student discussion group for the upcoming school Quality Review. End with reading class novel A Wrinkle In Time.
  • Tuesday
    • Start class checking homework from last night.  Then ReadyGen Lesson 4B.2.  End with reading class novel A Wrinkle In Time.
  • Wednesday
    • Check homework page from last night in packet.  Then ReadyGel Lesson 4B.3.  End with reading class novel A Wrinkle In Time.
  • Thursday 
    • Lesson on study skills and taking notes through ELEVATE.
  • Friday 
    • Awards Assembly - Friday is the awards assembly.  We have had conversations with the students to review the criteria for getting an award and how awards are for excellence and hard work.  That if you don't get an award this time, that is your motivation to do even better so you can get all the awards you can in the next go around.  Reading and passing AR tests is a criteria.  Doing well on end of unit exams is another.  Also, you have to score well on end of unit PBA's.  Doing your RRJ's each night to practice your reading and writing on a daily basis is part of it. Participating in class discussions.  There are a lot of ways that you can show you are striving for excellence in ELA!   If you want to receive the recognition of getting an award, you have to earn it with hard work and dedication.
    • It is Skill Review Friday!  Collect homework packets for week.  Skill Review Friday with Time for Kids.  We will also hit Social Studies - Chapter 3 Section 2 and skills check review sheet. 

  1. Read for 30-45 minutes each night.  Fill out RRJ's with a summary of what they read and a reflections about what they read.  Every Friday they should be taking an AR test for the book they have finished.
  2. Homework packets are given out on Monday with work to be done nightly.  It will be checked daily to see they are practicing their close reading and answering text dependent questions before the final packet is picked up on Thursday for the final articles multiple choice and writing to be graded.  If the packet is not fully completed, the end product WILL NOT BE GRADED.

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