Friday, February 9, 2018

Next Week in ELA - Short Week!

  • Monday
    • We will be starting a new text in ELA.  Students will work on ReadyGen Lesson 4B.9.  In this lesson, students will read Chapter 1 of Explorers of North America with a reading focus of analyzing the role of visuals and a writing focus to Revise an editorial to address and reinforce the demands of the form.
  • Tuesday
    • We will be celebrating the 100th  Day of School by reading for 100 minutes!  During that 100 minutes of reading, our goal (between the 2 classes) is to take 100 AR Reading tests and hopefully reach or reading goals!  Students will also write a letter like they are on an explorers ship home to their families.  They have to use exactly 100 words to tell their parents about time on the ship and what they have discovered.
  • Wednesday
    • Happy Valentine's Day!!! Students will work through ReadyGen Lesson 4B.10. In this lesson, students will read chapter 2 of Explorers of North America with a reading focus on analyzing the relationship between individuals and events in a text and a writing focus on  conducting research from multiple sources to develop an understanding about a topic.
  • Thursday
    • Fifth Grade Behavior Incentive Bowling Trip!  Students who have met the criteria for attending the trip ($5 dollars) will take a school bus to the bowling alley for a few games of bowling before returning to PS8 in time for lunch.  Students who didn't reach the points needed to attend will do skill review work back at school.   Progress reports, as well as Promotion In Doubt letters go home today!  
  • Friday
    • No School - Mid-Winter Break
    • School resumes on Monday, February 26th!

  • Homework Packet #21 will be passed out on Monday.  Each day, students should read the first article and do ONE page of the homework packet.  Packets are due Thursday!
  • Reading Response Journals are to be completed 5 nights out of the 7 days of the week.  Students are expected to read for 30-45 minutes on their own.  Then they should spend 5 minutes writing a brief summary of what happened in the pages they read.  They should spend another 5 minutes writing a reflection toward what they read.  What it meant to them.  What they felt.  How they can connect and relate to it.  This is part of STUDYING to be a better reading, writer and thinker. 
  • Vacation Packets:  The packet involves two short articles that are similar.  Students will have to make comparisons between the two articles.  They will also have to read a chapter book and create a cereal book report project.  

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