Saturday, April 28, 2018


  • Monday  ReadyGen Lesson 2B.2 (4/30)
    • We will be reading the book "Escape to Freedom".  We will read chapter 1 and will be working with the following I Can statements:
      •  I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.RI.5.1
      • I can determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text. RI.5.2
  • Tuesday New York State Math Test Session 1 (All Multiple Choice) (5/1)
    • Day 1 Math State Test.  Read the question multiple times to make sure you understand them fully before you answer any questions; understand the question before you attempt to answer it;  READ CLOSELY and TAKE YOUR TIME! 

  • Wednesday - New York State Math Test Session 2 (Multiple Choice and Extended Responses) (5/2)
    • Day 2 Math State Test focuses on both multiple choice and show your process responses.  NO WORRIES!  Remember, your brain works faster then your pencil, so go back and make sure you didn't leave out words that you thought you put in and that you showed all your steps to solving the problems asked of you.
  • Thursday - ReadyGen Lesson 2B.3 (5/3)
    • We will continue to read Escape to Freedom.  While reading chapter 2, our I can statements will be:
      •  I can explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals in a historical text based on specific information in the text. RI.5.3
      • I can determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text. RI.5.2
  • Friday - Skill Review Friday (5/4)
    • Skill Review Friday - We will be practicing the skills we have covered this week in ELA by using Time for Kids.  The article we will be using as our main text is The Problem With Plastics. It is a double issue in honor of EARTH DAY, so we will be spending both blocks reading the extended issue and doing practice skill work.  This will be a nice relaxing day of fun reading, discussion, and group work to end our testing week.

  • No Homework Packet This Week Due to MATH State Testing!!!  
  • Students should still be reading their independent reading books and doing their RRJ's.

Please make sure that your child gets plenty of sleep this entire week.  That means going to be early and getting up a little earlier so they can be wide awake and ready to do well on the State Tests.  Have a "good breakfast" with a combination of complex carbs (oatmeal, whole grain cereal, etc) and protein (eggs, bacon, etc), as well as orange juice and water.  Encourage them and remind them they have been getting ready for this test since school started and they will do great!  Try to have positive, happy interactions before school so they come ready to "show what they know!"  

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