Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Monday, November 19th

  • Dance With Mr. Nunez (held in classroom because Mr. Nunez was out).
  • Book Fair in Library
  • Math 
    • GoMath Chapter 5 - Lesson 1
      • Finding Factors of numbers through modeling.  We used counters to model different ways to factor numbers.  Like the number 12 can be shown as 1 x 12, 2x6, 3x4....   Then we learned how to write the factors in order of least to greatest without duplicating a factor.

  • Reading:
    • Reading the Weather Session 8 - Planning a Research Project. 
      • We broke into groups of 3 and then students picked a topic from 6 weather conditions.  The group decided which of the six sub topics they would research so that they didn't copy each other.  They worked at gathering information to add to their boxes and bullets for that topic.  
  • Writing
    • The Art of Information Writing - Lesson 5  Organizing Matters in Texts Large and Small
      • Students worked on organizing their research for their own nonfiction topic (book).  They were tasked at reading a section, taking notes, and "writing" a chapter about that subtopic.
      • Students also started writing thank you notes for ETA Hand2Mind who donated a math fluency pack to our classroom.  Saying Thank You is always a must when people do nice things for you!
  • Homework Packet Section 1 (Math and Mayflower)
  • GoMath 5.1 Practice
  • Reading - Continue to research your topic for class activity

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