Saturday, February 16, 2019

Friday, February 15th

  • WE had a blast yesterday on the 100th Day of School and Valentine's Day Celebration.  The pictures show you just how much fun we had.  
  • 1st - 3rd - MATH BLOCK
    • We spent the first period going over the Chapter 7 End of Chapter Test.  We went over question by question, asking different students how to solve this problem, what do I do next, what makes you think that... and everyone, and I do mean everyone, seemed very ready for the test.
    • Second period we passed out the test and students worked on them.  When they were done and checked their work, they got out the computers and input their answers into the system.  For the most part they did real well.  You can have them log into ThinkCentral and go over their old tests... they are there for you to see.  
    • Third period students finished testing, inputting grades and those who were done either worked on Math Facts in a Flash, Cool Math Games, or picked out new books from class library.
  • 4th and 5th - ELA Block
    • Looking at the MOCK ELA Test, I saw what skills they still need work on.  I left them this great iREady lesson on using illustrations with Non Fiction tests because that was an area that they didn't do well in.  Ms. Montalvo and Ms. Young let me know that 6 of the boys were just horrible and made it difficult to teach.  Ms Young had to remove several of them.  I heard there was even problems in the lunch room. Not very happy that we had such a great day on Thursday and great morning Friday, but as soon as I leave Friday to go to a meeting for District 6, they act up.  NOT GOOD!
  • 6th - Lunch
  • 7th - Gym


  • Get Progress Report and/or Promotion In Doubt Letters signed and returned
  • ELA Vacation Packet (Cover Sheet tell what pages to do in Coach ELA Book)
  • Math Vacation Packet
  • READ!  March 6th is last day for AR Contest!!!

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