- 1st - Science with Ms. Galan
- 2nd/3rd - Math Block
- We checked our math homework and then we played a math game. We played Dice Tic-Tac-Toe. I rolled the virtual dice and students put X's and O's in boxes. It was pretty fun! Then we did the On Demand Math Lesson for GoMath 11.8. Afterward, we did the interactive video to unlock the problems.
- We did the classwork in "parts". I assigned a few problems, set the timer, then students came up and worked them out. Our focus today was cutting rectangles up to make smaller rectangles to find the area of object. The students did a really good job and we rocked it out. We even went to a fire drill and back in and didn't lose any of our work mode.
- 4th - Literacy Block
- Ms. Almarante was in our class and she was in the back of the room. She had students coming into the room to do testing, so we had to be really quiet. I pulled the students to the front and went over Chapter 5 of Stuart Little from yesterday, and then we read Chapter 6 today. After reading and discussing, students quietly went back to their desk to work on an opinion writing prompt about Stuart Little. Ms. Almarante was able to test 4 of her students in the back while our students read and wrote quietly. When they finished, they quietly got out their Spelling List to study for the Spelling Test.
- 5th - Recess / Fun Friday
- 6th - Fun Friday / Waggle
- 7th - Wrap Up - Go Over Vacation Packets
- Math
- GoMath Lesson 11.8 Practice/Homework
- Math Vacation Packet
- Literacy
- Stuart Little Take Home Quiz (1-5)
- Literacy Vacation Packet