Friday, April 8, 2016

Back on Track Friday!

After three days of State ELA Testing, today we were back on track.  For the most part, I was pretty pleased with how quickly the students tossed off the TEST anxiety and got down to business!

  • 1st - Science with Ms. Galan
  • 2nd/3rd - Math Block
    • We started Chapter 12 today.  The chapter is working with area and perimeter.  We did number talks and the daily number review first.  Then we moved into the "on demand" video lesson that gives a preview to what we will be working on that day.  After doing the warm up with the Interactive Lesson, we moved into lesson 12.1, where students worked with two different ways to solve perimeter.
  • 4th - Literacy Block
    • We started ReadyGen Lesson 3A.12 today.  The focus was recounting key details to understand the central idea as well as to use the illustrations to help understand the text.  We reviewed the first section of Paul Bunyan "Growin Up" and then moved into the next section, "Starting Out".  
  • 5th - Lunch/Recess
  • 6th - Tall Tale Work
    • Mrs. Avalos and Myself (well, all third grade teachers) had a workshop with Mrs. Irwin, our Math Consultant.  While we were at the workshop, Mr. Johnny and the other teachers who covered us went over another TALL TALE about a larger than life character "Slue Foot Sue".  After reading the Tall Tale together, students had to analyze the story looking for "superhuman" characteristics, problem, solution, and examples of exaggeration.  This paired perfectly with Paul Bunyan.
  • 7th - Literacy Block
    • We finished our reading activity which was comparing the illustrations to the text using a venn diagram for how they were alike and different.  I am really pleased how some of the students are developing a very critical eye when it comes to analyzing literature.  

  • Math
    • GoMath 12.1 - Practice/Homework pages
    • Finding Perimeter Handout (8 problems - be careful!)
  • Literacy
    • Finish ReadyGen 3A.12 opinion paragraph in notebook
    • Reading Comprehension Wk 20 - Day 3

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The real-life story of Ivan the gorilla